
对PSE的Up有问题吗 & Go Electric电动汽车充电计划? 我们是来帮忙的. 请致电1-800-562-1482,周一至周五上午8点.m. 到5点.m. 或在下方十大彩票平台


As Washington state prepares for a boom in electric vehicles, PSE is removing the barriers that keep property owners from hosting a public charging station.

Up & 公共用电 allows businesses and communities to easily and affordably provide EV charging by covering up to 100% of the costs to install, 维护和操作一个公共充电站.


Up & 公共用电 incentives cover up to the full cost of equipment and installation for 2级 and DC fast charging ports and transmission upgrades. Save time on installation and enjoy greater reliability by taking advantage of PSE’s electric vehicle expertise. 


对于想要更多控制充电站的客户. 您将全权管理安装、所有权和维护.

  • Direct control over charger purchase, installation and maintenance options
  • Ability to receive revenue and Washington state Clean Fuel Standard credits from the station

Customers whose sites directly serve or benefit historically underrepresented communities may be eligible for enhanced incentives and services. 有关更多信息,请参阅下面的使流动部分.


PSE will manage charging station installation and operation from end to end, 包括基础设施升级, making this the easiest and most worry-free way to host a public charging station.

  • 循序渐进的, comprehensive planning by PSE’s experts: we’ll coordinate equipment purchasing, 网站设计, construction and final inspection for the project to save you time and money
  • Reliable, high-quality service from charging providers and installers vetted by PSE
  • 操作无忧:PSE管理充电器操作, 所以任何问题或错误都可以直接找我们


马上申请 to install a public charging station with the help of available incentives from PSE起来 & 公共用电.


  • 激励的细节
    See the table below for details on available incentives under our ownership options.
    充电器类型 承保费用的百分比 每个港口最大激励
    2级 100% 没有最大值
    直流快速充电器 100% 没有最大值
    充电器类型 承保费用的百分比 每个港口最大激励
    2级 高达50% 每个港口最高2000美元
    直流快速充电器 高达50% 每个港口最高4万美元
    充电器类型 承保费用的百分比 每个港口最大激励
    2级 高达100% 每个端口最高4000美元
    直流快速充电器 高达100% 每个港口最高8万美元

    *The customer-owned options have an incentive limit of $250,000 per project. 额外津贴 服务线路和变压器升级费用高达20美元,每个DC快速充电器端口收费$2,每2级端口000.

  • 使流动

    We want to expand electric mobility access to communities with the greatest need. 公共充电站为社区带来好处, such as a reduction in carbon emissions and other harmful air pollutants, by empowering drivers to switch from gas-powered vehicles to cleaner electric vehicles.


    Customer-owned projects whose sites directly serve and/or benefit historically underrepresented communities may be eligible for enhanced incentives and service.

    PSE will provide upfront incentives covering 100 percent of charger and installation costs up to $4,每个2级港口000美元,100美元,每个直流快速充电端口.


    有资格获得使流动奖励, the installation site must directly serve and/or benefit historically underrepresented communities, 也被称为命名社区. Named communities include both highly impacted communities and vulnerable populations.

    Highly impacted communities are comprised of census tracts designated by the Washington State Department of Health as a 9 or 10 on the 环境健康差异图 or communities located in census tracts that are fully or partially on “Indian country” as defined in 18 U.S.C. 证券交易委员会. 1151.

    弱势群体 are communities that experience a disproportionate cumulative risk from environmental burdens due to adverse socioeconomic factors, 包括残疾, 心血管病, 低出生体重率, 更高的住院率, 热岛效应, 欠款/断开连接, 获取数字/互联网资源, 获取食物, 获得保健的机会, 教育程度, 估计能源负担, 历史红线影响, 家庭护理, 住房负担, 语言隔离, 心理健康或疾病, 贫困, 比赛, 租客与业主, 有固定收入的长者, 交通费和失业.

    The list of vulnerability factors and resultant mapping may change as PSE’s 清洁能源实施计划 发展.

    Please see the program eligibility and requirements section for additional participation criteria.


    If you have questions about 增强出行激励 and eligibility, 联系能源顾问 或致电1-800-562-1482.

    更多信息,请访问 授权移动性页面.

  • 项目资格和要求


    • Be located in PSE’s electric service area and not on transmission-only customer property.
    • Have controlling interest in the property or the authority to act on behalf of property ownership.
    • Be willing to convert available shared parking space(s) to dedicated charger installation(s).


    • 同意与PSE签订至少10年的租赁协议.
    • 同意与PSE签订地役权协议. (下载 & 公共用电业务要点总结.)
    • Verify the property is free of existing option agreements that would otherwise preclude its development by another party.


    • Install a separate, dedicated meter for the charging station.
    • 满足标准, 设备及计量要求, 如安装标牌, 可用的付款方式, 登记及报告.
    • 确保站点能够为多个汽车制造商提供服务.
    • 同意… 不可协商的服务协议.

    Please see the 使流动 section above for eligibility details regarding enhanced incentives available for sites that directly serve and/or benefit historically underrepresented communities.

  • 它是如何工作的

    Bringing electric vehicle charging to your tenants can be overwhelming. PSE起来 & 在公共场所使用电力可以让它变得更容易.


    1. 提交一份描述你的项目的申请.
    2. PSE reviews your application and contacts you for a program presentation.
    3. 签署一份没有法律约束力的 业务要点文件 这为项目设定了共同的期望.
    4. PSE将进行现场考察并开始项目开发.
    5. Receive regular updates and status review opportunities throughout project development, 与PSE讨论租赁/地役权条件, 并签署相应的协议.
    6. 安装完成后, PSE will work with you on potential launch events and manage ongoing promotion of your charging station.


    1. 提交一份申请,描述你的项目和, 如果适用的话, your eligibility for enhanced 增强出行激励 (see 使流动 section above).
    2. If approved, PSE will contact you with an estimated incentive offer. (Note: Upfront incentives for 使流动 projects will be provided upon submission of the signed 服务协议.)
    3. 继续购买和安装充电器.
    4. 安装完成,检查合格.
    5. You’ll receive incentives upon submitting final equipment and installation receipts, 以及一份PSE起来的签名副本 & 公共用电 服务协议.
  • 更多的PSE收费选择和激励措施

  • 吸引新的赞助人: 司机在等车充电的时候, they’ll be able to explore nearby businesses and attractions.

  • 准备好迎接电动汽车热潮吧: beginning in 2030, all new passenger vehicles sold in Washington will be electric. 现在与PSE合作,为未来做准备.

  • 推进可持续发展目标: electric vehicle charging can help lower the carbon footprint of your community or organization.